Highly Sensitive Children (HSC)

Sensitive + Intuitive + Introverted + Anxious


Do you have a Highly Sensitive CHILD? (HSC)

Do you find yourself telling your child “You are just too sensitive!” If yes, it’s likely you have a child with a highly sensitive personality type.

There are 27 traits identified in the highly sensitive by Elaine Aron. I share these and a model that unaddressed makes your highly sensitive child or HSC very hard to parent and educate.

If your child has rapidly changed and become resistant, out of the blue has developed anxiety or depression, seems to feel everything and winds up fast with little hope of an easy wind-down, I can help. Secretly these kids are your easiest to parent. Without understanding of who they are an how they operate uniquely it will result in battle and shut down in place of constructive support which ultimately gain lasting bonds.

These kids represent 20% of our population and if you’re unsure, please check in and find out for two reasons, the highly sensitive are people who change the world all for the better and what’s good for the HSC is good for every child.

Here’s the starting point, visit my list of parenting struggles for parents of the HSC, then sign up for the webinar where I teach you the many attributes of the HSC to learn if your child fits this unique personality type.


Our greatest desire is to see our children thrive and for us to have lasting bonds with them. This seems so easy but there is a complex relationship going on between parent and child. The HSC needs one thing that is simple. The complexity is putting into practice and I am here to help.

If you are already pretty sure your child is highly sensitive consider sign up to attend my webinar.

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Join me for periodic emails and a free bonus “Getting your kids to talk to you about almost anything.”


Are you ready to get started to see if what Amy teaches matches your needs? Learn if you have an HSC and gain clarity about the Highly Sensitive sign up for the next webinar.


Need a speaker on parenting sensitive children?


Watch Pilar Fairchild’s Testimonial-

I wish I could put you in my pocket when I have kids, Amy. I was blown away by what you were saying about parenting!
— Jenner Linden - Founder of the Wild Ones